Emotions in Business

"If you find yourself crying at work, this is for you."

As we unfurl the ongoing canvases of our art, and as the lights meticulously light up each photograph, we need to be reminded that behind every intentional choice to press the shutter there is a contrast that lies within an artist's heartbeat. This is what I know to be true, even when I struggle, that what we do is truly the intersection of raw emotions and the stark realms of business.

Every engaging photograph tells a story, and it is a million stories of each viewer, every frame captures an emotion. We, as artists, thrive on this intimate connection with our work. However, in the midst of our deep soul searching, we must recognize a fundamental reality—the need to separate our emotional attachment from the business decisions we make. I am able to say this with conviction and humility, for there is no place for emotion in the rigorous world of numbers, charts and analytics.

I recall, or moreso still hold my breath when I think about it, a project that still hangs heavy in my heart. It was one where my emotions had firmly gripped the steering wheel, leading me down a path of misplaced, angry, defensive judgments. A photograph that I had conceived during a momentous turning point in my life, a piece so pivotal and perfect for me, was not met with reactions I had anticipated. This experience became a crucible of learning. Emotion had clouded my vision, my ability to perceive the photograph as a product, through the discerning eyes of a customer, a collector, or a critic.

Passion and self bias. The inevitable truth—an artist's worth in the market is not always commensurate with the personal milestones it represents. It is a challenging task, no doubt, to distance oneself from the images you create. Yet, it is paramount to success in the white-collared wilderness of our field.

The duality of being an artist and a business person is like walking a tightrope. You need balance. I don't believe in balance so I wobble around and learn everything I can about everything everyday. Our art is our souls bared, our strength, and our story. But our livelihood, as pragmatic as it sounds, rests upon numbers, strategies, and often uncomfortable detachment.

Therein lies the discipline (which I still do not have)

It is in unraveling this dichotomy of heart and mind, attachment and detachment, that our proficiency not just as photographers or any other artist, but as entrepreneurs, is truly tested — and honed. As artists, we pour our souls into every creation, but as

business owners, we must also learn to sometimes withhold our tears for the viability of our ventures.

In this hallowed world, let us revel in the beauty we have crafted. Yet, as the night falls and we step away from creating and into our offices, it is an absolute necessity to carry with us the wisdom to differentiate between the web of our emotions and the excel spreadsheet on our desks.

Thank you for your unwavering passion for the craft that unites us all. May we continue to fill the world with extraordinary images, but let's also ensure that we do so while nurturing and safeguarding our business's heartbeat.

Be the soul searcher artist that creates the magic you dream about as tears fall down your face not because you are sad, but because the world is so beautiful.........but remember you have obligations in the fire of it all.

xoxo, Meg


Capturing Vision


Photography Business